Prospective Student

AT logoCMU致力于保持运动训练教育的领导者地位,并已从运动训练项目的理学学士学位过渡到入门级运动训练项目的理学硕士学位. 该计划包括一个(3+2)加速选项,并导致在五年内完成运动科学学士学位和运动训练硕士学位.

Master of Science in Athletic Training (MSAT)

运动训练理学硕士(MSAT)课程是一个专业的研究生课程,旨在为学生准备认证委员会考试(BOC),并为学生在预防方面的入门级职业做好准备, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Prospective students for the MSAT program have two points of entry:

Admissions Requirements

AT studentsAdmission into the MSAT Program is highly competitive. Application does not guarantee acceptance.


  • Suggested: ACT composite of 21 or higher or SAT equivalent.
  • 入学MSAT项目的学生必须有3分的住宿和科学GPA.25 or higher. GPAs from 3.0 to 3.24 will be evaluated/considered on an individual basis.
  • Students will begin the graduate portion of the program in the 4th year (summer term).
  • Upon successful completion of all degree requirements, in their 4th 学生将获得运动科学学士学位(Pre-AT轨道).
  • 在成功完成第五年的要求后,学生将获得MSAT.
  • This program is recommended for entering freshmen, student athletes, transfer students, 或者想要在CMU攻读运动训练学位而提前换专业的学生.
  • Students on this 3+2 track are given priority admission.
  • 没有被MSAT项目录取的学生可以继续学习运动科学学士学位课程,前提是他们符合要求.
  • Additional requirements listed below.

AT students at the fieldTransfer admission criteria for BS in Exercise Science/MSAT

  • 学生可以在任何时候(第1、2或3年级)转入运动科学/ at预科课程。.
  • Additional requirements listed below.

Option 2: Two-year (4+2) Professional Program (MSAT).

  • 这个项目只适合那些想以运动训练为职业的学生, have completed a bachelor’s degree in any major, and have met the admissions requirements.
  • This is a two-year program including summers.
  • BA/BS degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
  • Undergraduate cumulative and science GPA of 3.25 or higher. GPAs from 3.0 to 3.24 will be evaluated/considered on an individual basis.
  • Transfer credit will be considered on an individual basis.
  • Additional requirements listed below..

atcas-msat.png Additional Admissions Requirements for Option 1 and Option 2

  • 在中国银行认证的运动教练的直接监督下完成至少75小时的运动训练观察. See website for hours documentation form.
  • Completion of all application materials. ATCAS申请链接见高校体育训练网站.
    • Athletic Training essay
    • Submission of official transcripts
    • Observation hours
    • Submit three references
    • Technical standards verification (upon acceptance)
    • Copy of immunization records (incl. MMR, Tetanus, TB, Hep B, Hep C)
    • Criminal background check (upon acceptance)
    • Drug test (upon acceptance)
    • Proof of emergency cardiac care certification. (upon acceptance) Please see link for acceptable cards:
  • 完成以下先决条件,成绩为“C”或以上(总共不超过2次重修)
    • Biology I w/Lab (e.g. CMU BI101)
    • Human Physiology (e.g. CMU BI205)
    • Exercise Physiology (e.g. CMU EX327)
    • Chemistry I (e.g. CMU CH111)
    • Physics I (e.g. CMU PH111)
    • Statistics (e.g. CMU MA105)
    • Kinesiology (e.g. CMU AH324)
    • Psychology (e.g. CMU PY301 and/or PY223)
    • Ethics (e.g. CMU PL306 and/or PL105) - Highly Recommended
  • A 所有运动训练(AT)课程的成绩必须达到B或以上:
    • Anatomy (e.g. CMU BI204)
    • Medical Terminology (e.g. CMU AH212)
  • Upon submission of application materials, an on-site interview with MSAT Admissions Team will be required.
  • Due to academic rigor and clinical immersive experiences, 在MSAT项目期间,任何时候都禁止参加校际体育活动.

Retention Policy

  • Preceptors will assess the student's performance each semester. Each student must earn a 75% in order to matriculate. 成绩达不到75%的学生将被安排一个学期的补习计划. 未能充分满足补救标准将导致开除该计划.
  • Students must maintain a GPA of 3.00 to matriculate and graduate.
  • 毕业要求完成至少58小时的课程,平均成绩为3分.00/4.0.
  • Students can only earn a maximum of two course grades of C. 如果学生得到第三个C,该学生将被开除.
  • 学生需要遵循MSAT的课程顺序. Courses are only offered in specific semesters/terms. 学生必须通过本学期的所有课程,才能进入下一学期/学期的课程顺序.
  • 除医疗原因外,任何AT课程的退学将导致自动退学. 如果退学,学生可以在下一个录取周期重新申请.

Additional Fees

除了学费、住宿费、书本费、交通费(see Student Expenses 对于学费和杂费的细分),MSAT项目的学生将产生额外的费用. The following is a breakdown of the most common costs:

  1. Course fee (Foliotek Portfolio -AT 511)- $90
  2. Travel to and from clinical sites - varies
  3. Liability Insurance for clinical rotations - $40 (yearly-optional)
  4. CMU学生协会费/专业会员- $30/$90(可选).
  5. ATCAS application fee- $93
  6. Cost of drug test and criminal background check-$90
  7. $250 non-refundable acceptance fee
  8. 请查看大学网站了解最新的大学学费和费用.
  9. HTH_PR 7100: Introduction to Interprofessional Practice (1) 该课程通过密苏里大学卫生专业学院在线授课. 学生必须通过密苏里大学申请,并根据密苏里大学系统的要求缴纳学费和额外费用.

NOTE: Fees are subject to change.

Application deadline:Priority deadline is November 15th; All students applying after November 15th will be considered for entry on a rolling basis.

Health requirements.

CMU的免疫政策要求首次入读博彩平台推荐的学生提供麻疹免疫证明文件, a recent tetanus/diphtheria booster, and complete a questionnaire screening for tuberculosis. This documentation is required prior to class attendance.

申请体育训练专业的学生必须提供麻疹疫苗接种记录, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), Tetanus, and submit proof of Hepatitis B. Students failing to show proof of MMR, Tetanus, 乙肝疫苗接种可以纳入ATP,但在证据得到确认之前,不允许开始临床轮换. Immunizations for Hepatitis A, Meningococcal, Covid, 强烈建议所有ATP学生每年接种流感疫苗. 在允许开始临床观察/轮转之前,特定设施可能需要额外的筛查要求. 学生必须意识到,任何原因的豁免可能会影响临床轮岗安排. 这种情况可能发生在学生无法完成临床课程,从而无法完成AT项目的要求.

Athletic Training Program Non-Discriminatory Policy

这是体育训练计划的政策,所有十大博彩平台招聘和录取的决定都不得基于种族歧视, color, age, disability, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, political affiliation, 性取向或其他个人特征,而不是项目资格, quality of performance, 并根据学校的政策进行与项目相关的行为, rules and applicable. 

For additional information, contact: or 660-248-6217